The most significant message I could ever share..
One: God’s love
First of all God loves you
wit h an uncondit ional
love. It
is much t he same kind of love t hat
we would imagine t hat
parent s should have for t heir
children; t hat
is, not how parent s
behave all of t he t ime,
but what we
envision t he ideal t o
be. It
is not because of any sort
of performance on t he children’s part
or benefit t he
parent s might
receive from t heir children t hat
t he parent
chooses t o love t he
child. It
is not because t hey
have been such wonderful children. They
could have lit t le
grat it ude for
what t he
parent does for t hem,
be unt hankful, t hreat en
t heir parent s,
and a host of ot her
t hings, and t he
parent would st ill
love and serve t hem. Why? Because
t hey are t heir
children and t hat
alone makes t hem wort hy
of love. Parent s
do not reason as such, “t hey
got t hemselves
int o t his
mess, t hey should get
t hemselves out .” Nor do t hey point
fingers at t he
syst em, “t he
syst em makes it
nearly impossible for t hem t o
rise above t heir circumst ances.” No, what mat t ers
is t hat t hey
are human beings, and human beings have value and dignit y
in t hemselves, and you must
help, t each, t ake
responsibilit y and even go above what
responsibilit y requires. This t ype of
love is known as agape, or uncondit ional love.
Uncondit ional love is
really t he only t ype
of love t here is, or at
least t he
only pure kind. Usually what
we describe as love is really just respect
or mut ual admirat ion. I love you because you are like me, we see t hings
t he same way, we have common int erest s,
or even because you possess somet hing I do not ,
but it int rigues
me. But
what if such person discont inued
possessing t hose t hings? Would you st ill
love t hem?
This is what is referred t o
as fileo love in Greek. It
is a love based on some t ype of merit ,
usually a shared int erest . It must
be not ed at t his
t ime t hat
all ot her religions besides Christ ianit y
(and t his only t rue
Christ ianit y
wit hout any
of it s modern dist ort ions),
are based on t he fileo t ype
of love. God only loves you if…God only
accept s you if…You will get
t o Nirvana if you do t his…You
will be wit h 72 virgins if…But
what man yearns for is a God who accept s
him just as he is, even wit h
all his imperfect ions and failings. However, all man-made religions cannot
cont emplat e
God being t his kind t o
t hem, and so t hey
come up wit h some t ype
of syst em whereby t hey
must earn or merit
God’s love and favor.
Anot her t ype
of love is called eros, and is t he love based
on sexual at t ract ion
and appet it e. This t ype of
love also demands some t ype of good from t he
ot her person.
It demands physical at t ract ion
and sexual fulfillment . It is an
errat ic t ype
of love, t hough oft en
useful, but must
be replaced by agape love if, for inst ance, a
marriage has any hope of surviving - for eros love has t he
nast y habit
of disappearing over a lengt h of t ime,
once t he infat uat ion
period has ended.
Anot her part
of God’s love is his just ice. If God is love, love also demands t hat
God is just .
For example, let ’s hypot het ically
say t hat you
were raped, and a year lat er your court
case came up. You are at
t he t rial. The defendant
is brought up, and pleads guilt y. However, he claims, “I have been a good
person all t he days before I raped t he
vict im, and all t he
days aft erwards as well. Therefore, you should let
me go.” The judge cont emplat es
for a minut e, and decides, “Sounds good t o
me, just don’t
do it again. Case dismissed!”
How would t hat
make you feel? I assume you would be out raged. Why is t his? Because t he
judge was a bad judge; he did not serve his dut y. Just ice was
not served.
The t ime should fit
t he crime, and so on. Just like it
does not mat t er
how well you drive all t he ot her
days of your life, if you drive drunk one t ime
and kill someone, t here must
be consequences for your act ions. Somet hing
inside us yearns for just ice t o
be done for wrongdoing, and so it is t he
same wit h God.
In fact , it
would be unloving for God t o be an absent ee
judge and allow his children t o be abused in
such a way as t o allow no just ice
for crimes commit t ed. So we are God’s children t hat
have been t respassed against ,
but in many inst ances
we are also t he t respassers
t hemselves.
2: Separat ion
Now you may have not iced t hat
I nearly cont radict ed
myself. First
I t alked about
uncondit ional love, t hen
I t alked about
just ice.
The t wo seem t o
be opposed t o each ot her. And isn’t t his
t he t ension t hat
we live in our ent ire lives? We wonder what
of our act ions will benefit
a person more; if we ret aliat e
fire wit h fire, we t hink
t hey will get
t he point and
realize t hat t here
are consequences t o t heir
act ions.
If someone commit s a crime, don’t
we reward t hem wit h
a punishment in accordance wit h
t he crime?
That seems t o
be merit according t o
what a person does or does not
do. On t he
ot her hand, we can give mercy t o
a person, and hope t hat
our love for t hem is cont agious. It causes t hem
t o not even
desire t o do such evil again, because t hey
have had t heir needs met
by our kindness.
Backing up for a minut e, we
see a problem t hat
exist s.
The defendant want ed
t o be excused for t he
crime because of his behavior before and aft er
t he crime.
But judges and juries do not
reason according t o t he
act ions of t he
defendant like t his. Their one and only job is t o
det ermine whet her
t he crime was in fact
commit t ed. A man’s lifest yle
all t he days of his life before and aft er
a crime do not mat t er
t o t hem.
Now, you are t he perpet rat or
of t he crime, God is your judge, and you have
been t rying t o
be acquit t ed
by saying t hat
you have been a good person all t he days
before and all t he days aft er
you commit t ed
various moral and spirit ual crimes. This met hod
is called, “right eousness by law,” or at t empt ing
t o assert
your innocence by appealing t o t he
st andards of t he
law. However, t his
provides innocence for no one, in fact , it
proves guilt inst ead. Paul, one of t he
writ ers of t he
Bible, deft ly wrot e, "Now we know that whatever the Law says, it speaks to those who are under the Law, so that every mouth may be closed and all the world may become accountable to God; because by works of the Law no flesh will be justified in his sight; for through the law comes the knowledge of sin." These words are found in the book of Paul to the Romans Chapter 3; they basically assert that no one can earn God's favor by saying they are worthy, in fact, based on our own efforts we prove ourselves to be unworthy. Yet most people daftly assert otherwise, that their good deeds should earn them the favor of their friends, family, and God.
Most folks, knowingly or
unknowingly, st art
wit h t he t en
commandment s as a benchmark, and convenient ly
forget t he
commandment s t hat
t hey have broken. That is why
when I ask a person who claims t o be a good
person why t hey consider t hemselves
t o be good, t hey
oft en answer, “Well, I’ve never killed
anyone!” But
how did t he 10 commandment s
boil down t o t he
one? If you don’t
ignore several of t hem, I t hink
you’ll find out t hat
you are in fact guilt y
of several of t hem. Here t hen,
is t he list :
1. Idolat ry
– holding someone or somet hing as higher in
import ance t han
God and t herefore more wort hy
of our worship, devot ion, t ime,
energy, t hought s,
or money
2. Taking God’s name in Vain –
Misrepresent ing God and t he
aut horit y His
name represent s.
3. Remembering t he
Sabbat h and keeping it
holy – God commanded t he Israelit es
t o do no work for one ent ire
day of t he week. This demonst rat ed
t heir t rust
in God t o provide for t hem,
as well as gave t hem a chance t o
rest from t heir
labor. There is significant
debat e over whet her
Christ ians are under t he
Sabbat h.
My posit ion is t hat
t hey are not ;
Jesus Christ is our rest ,
but t hat
is not wit hin
t he scope of our discussion. Suffice t o
say, I do not t hink
Sabbat h keeping is a moral absolut e,
so will set it
aside for t his discussion.
4. Honor your fat her
and mot her – t o
respect t he
dignit y and aut horit y
t hat parent ’s
have and not t ry
t o usurp it .
5. You shall not
murder – Jesus ups t he ant e
by saying t hat
if you have harbored anger in your heart t owards
anot her person, t hen
you have commit t ed
6. You shall not
commit adult ery
– Jesus again ups t he ant e,
saying t hat
if you have looked at a woman wit h
lust in your heart ,
you have commit t ed
adult ery.
The inverse goes for t he ladies. In essence, all sexual sins would be
encapsulat ed by t he
t erm “adult ery,”
whet her t hat
be fornicat ion, indulging in pornography, or
various ot her lust s
of t he flesh
7. You shall not
st eal – t aking
somet hing t hat
does not belong t o
you wit hout
8. Bearing false wit ness
– This is simply not t elling
t he t rut h,
9. Covet ousness
– The desire for somet hing t hat
belongs t o someone else.
Most folks will agree t hat
t hese laws as found in t he
Bible and in t he Jewish Torah are moral t rut h. There is not
much disput e because our consciences corroborat e
t he st ory t hat
t he 10 commandment s
are saying. Anot her
command, found in bot h t he
Old and New Test ament ,
also rings t rue t o
"'YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND.'" This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.'" (Matthew 22:37-39, also found in the Old Testament in Deuteronomy 6:5 and Leviticus 19:18)
"'YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND.'" This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.'" (Matthew 22:37-39, also found in the Old Testament in Deuteronomy 6:5 and Leviticus 19:18)
So I ask you, have you ever, at
any t ime, commit t ed
any of t hese crimes? Have you ever broken a single command? Obeying God’s commands are not
simply avoiding what we shouldn’t
do, but as in t he
example of loving God and our neighbors, t hey
are also not doing what
we should have done. When deciding whet her
you are a good person or not , t he
quest ion is not ,
“have I ever done wrong?,” but “have I always
done right ?,”
“Have I always done what I should have
If you were driving t o an
appoint ment ,
and on your way you went past
someone drowning in a lake and screaming for help, would you have a dut y
t o help t hat
person? What
if you kept driving because you were lat e? Why would you feel guilt y? Because t hat
would also be considered a breech of t he law
by anyone wit h any moral fabric. So t o be
vindicat ed by t he
law, you wouldn’t simply have t o
avoid commit t ing
any sins, but you would have t o
not omit
any sins eit her.
If you st ill aren’t
convinced t hat
you have ever broken a command, st op
reading. Jesus has not hing
t o offer you.
His offer is t o broken sinners, not
upright cit izens.
The met hod known as right eousness
by law, we now see, has most unpleasant
consequences in t hat
no human being has ever been able t o be right eous
t hrough t his
met hod of appeal. Paul writ es,
“For all have sinned and fall short of t he
glory of God” (Romans 3:23 ). What Paul is
saying here, is t hat
God’s st andard is perfect ion;
you fall short of t hat
st andard. Only foolish people t ry
t o at t ain
t he st andard
even t hough t hey
have already fallen short . It ’s like a t est
where you have t o score 100% t o
pass and you’ve already missed several quest ions
at t he
beginning of t he t est ;
it does not
mat t er how
many more quest ions you answer correct ly,
you will st ill fail t he
t est .
A penalt y exist s
for breaking God’s law. What
is t he penalt y
for breaking God’s law? The Bible says it
is deat h.
“For t he wages of sin is deat h”
(Romans 6:23a). Why does t his
make sense? First ly,
if we cannot be in God’s presence on account
of our imperfect ion, t hen
we cannot experience life, as God is ult imat ely
t he giver of life. God can delay our punishment ,
but unt il t hen
we are like prisoners on deat h row, wait ing
t o be execut ed. Secondly, if we are rebellious t oward
God, t hen obviously unt il
we cease t o be rebels can we be reunit ed
wit h Him.
Thirdly, if we are enemies of God’s will, t hen
we cannot in all honest y
be on His side and part aker’s of His kingdom.
If we are helpless t o
change our guilt y sent ence,
t hen we are st uck. But is t here
anyt hing God can do? God is in an int erest ing
posit ion, which I do not
know how t o describe more reverent ly
except by saying t hat
t here is a cert ain
t ype of t ension. God want s t o
love like a fat her t hat
loves uncondit ionally, but
also carries t he charact erist ic
of being just .
Part t hree:
God’s Provision
Jesus is God’s only provision for man’s sin problem. If sin is really what
separat es us from God, t han
Jesus is surely t he only solut ion
t hat has ever
been proffered. All ot her
religions must blindly ignore God’s just ice,
which as we discussed, is a subdivision of His love. Jesus is God’s perfect
solut ion t o
being perfect ly loving and perfect ly
just at t he
same t ime.
1 Pet er 3:18 t ells us
how God was able t o do t his. “For Christ
died for sins once for all, t he just
for t he unjust ,
so t hat He
might bring us t o
Romans 3:23-26 t ells us:
“For all have sinned and fall short of t he
glory of God, being just ified as a gift
by His grace which is in Christ Jesus; whom
God displayed publicly as a propit iat ion
in His blood t hrough fait h. This was t o
demonst rat e
His right eousness, because in t he
forbearance of God He passed over t he sins
previously commit t ed;
for t he demonst rat ion,
I say, of His right eousness, at
t he present t ime,
so t hat He
would be just and t he
just ifier of t he
one who has fait h in Jesus.”
Coupled t oget her,
t hese st at ement s
by Pet er and Paul are in complet e
harmony regarding God’s solut ion, which was t o
have Jesus Christ die in our place for our
sins. In t heological
t erms, t his
is known as “penal subst it ut ionary
at onement .” Jesus at oned,
or, made rest it ut ion
for our sins.
A couple uncommon t erms
occur in Paul’s st at ement . One is Propit iat ion,
which is a means of appeasing God’s wrat h (wrat h
being a desire t o punish an offense) for our
sin problem. Jesus is our propit iat ion. He t ook t he
penalt y for our sin so t hat
we don’t have t o. The ot her
fancy word is just ifier. This means t hat
God can declare us innocent , much like how a
jury declares a defendant t o
be innocent . The penalt y
for mankind’s sin has already been poured out
on Jesus when he died on a cross in 29 A.D. (or t hereabout s),
t herefore God is free t o
declare man innocent as just ice
has already been served. If you have
been just ified, t han
in Biblical t erms, you have been declared right eous,
moral, innocent , and perfect .
But how can Jesus t ake
on a penalt y t hat
is right ly due t o
us? When coming up wit h
analogies, t he t raffic
court is a simple analogy, t hought
perhaps not t ot ally
sat isfying.
It is as t hough
you have a penalt y for a t raffic
violat ion t o
be paid, but don’t
have t he money in order t o
pay it .
If you don’t pay it ,
you’ll have t o serve a prison sent ence. But what
if t he judge on t he
case were your fat her? In an act of
love t owards you, he st eps
off t he bench and t akes
off his official garment s in order t o
act as an ordinary cit izen. He says, “I know you don’t
have t he money t o
pay t he fine on your own, so I am paying it
for you.” That ’s
kind of how it works wit h
However, in criminal cases, someone cannot
st ep in for anot her. In our west ern
court set t ing,
just ice is only sat isfied
if t he perpet rat or
of t he crime serves t he
sent ence.
So we are back at t he
same quest ion, how can Jesus right ly
pay a penalt y t hat
is due t o us?
I confess, I not t ot ally
sure, but I will give you my best
t heories.
God has been t ot ally
fait hful and t rust wort hy
t o me t hus
far, so at t his
one concept t hat
I do not underst and,
I t ake Him at
His word.
The key here may be represent at ion. When Adam sinned, he represent ed
all mankind. When he fell, we all bore t he
consequences of His sin. It
may be t he same wit h
Jesus. He is like a second Adam. He represent s
all mankind, being t he Son of Man. If he dies, he represent s
all mankind, and all our sins. If he is
raised t o life, we t oo
can all be raised t o life. It is much
like how you must bear t he
consequences of t hings your parent s
have done, whet her good or bad, even before
you are born. If I was born in Alaska
as opposed t o Washingt on ,
my life would look quit e different
as it does now, t hough
not as a result
of anyt hing I did. The friends I have, sport s
I play, educat ional and job opport unit ies
t hat are
present ed t o
me would all be different and apart
from my choosing. I would also receive a
check from t he st at e
government every year simply for being a
resident of Alaska . That would
be nice.
Anot her t heory
I like is t hat
if deat h is t he
punishment t o
be served, it can eit her
be served by a finit e being for an infinit e
amount of t ime
(as in humans), or by an infinit e being for a
finit e amount
of t ime (as in Jesus). Eit her way, t he
penalt y must
be served. We could t alk
about ot her t heories,
like Jesus being a sacrifice, much like t he
Old Test ament
sacrificical syst em, but
t he key here is t o
underst and t hat
Jesus sat isfied t he
penalt y for man’s sin problem, whereas man on
his own could not rect ify
t he problem.
4: Man’s Response
It is not
only t hat
Jesus made it “possible” t o
have et ernal life in God’s presence; what
he did was “enough.” It
is oft en (t hough
not oft en
enough) said t hat
Christ ianit y
is not about
what you do for God, it
is about what
God has done for you. Most
people churches, t eachers, st ill
get t his backwards
t oday.
They t hink man comes t o
God by offering somet hing t o
God. This is incorrect
and heret ical. Man comes t o
God by receiving somet hing from God.
What Jesus did is complet e,
final, finished, and t ot ally
adequat e.
People oft en (t hough
not oft en
enough) speak of “t he finished work of Christ .” It cannot
be added t o or improved in any way. It is somet hing
man can receive t he benefit s
of on t he basis of a gift ;
it cannot be
received in any ot her way. It is not
an exchange for fut ure good deeds, commit ment ,
obeying of t he commandment s,
or discont inuat ion
of sin.
Paul writ es in Romans
4:4-5: Now t o t he
one who works, his wage is not credit ed
as a favor, but as what
is due, But t o
t he one who does not
work, but believes in Him who just ifies
t he ungodly, his fait h
is credit ed as right eousness.” Paul uses a simple analogy from every day
life. When you work 8 hours a day t o
an agreed upon wage, and you receive a paycheck every 2 weeks, you do not
say t o your boss, “Oh, t hank
you for t his indescribable gift !” You say, “Gimme t hat ,
I earned it !”
What Paul is explaining, is t hat
God’s right eousness cannot
be approached in t he same way as earning a
wage. Remember, t his
is because it has not hing
t o do wit h
what you did, or what
you earned. All you added t o
t he equat ion
was t he sins – t he
bad part !
God was t he one who had t o
rect ify your problem. You did not
cont ribut e
anyt hing of value t o
t he equat ion. Therefore, you have t o
rely on what God did for you, and st op
relying on what you do for God. Ot herwise,
you cannot have et ernal
What t he
work of Christ does is put
God in t he posit ion
t o offer grace. Grace (ment ioned
in Romans 3:24 above) is t he
most import ant
t erm we have come t o
so far. It
is God’s unmerit ed favor and love. It is like t he
uncondit ional love of a parent
t hat we t alked
about at t he
beginning, but applied t o
Paul writ es t o
a group of Christ ians in Ephesians 2:8-9 which
sums it up well: “For by grace you have been
saved t hrough fait h;
and t hat not
of yourselves, it is t he
gift of God, not
as a result of works, so t hat
no one may boast .” The way t hat
we access God’s grace is “t hrough fait h.” Act ually, in
t he Bible “fait h”
and “believe” mean t he same t hing,
only fait h is a noun and believe is a
verb. This is how John 3:16 and Ephesians 2:8-9 can be t rue
at t he same t ime. Man’s response is t o
believe in Jesus, t o have fait h
in Him and what He did.
A good example of t he
appropriat e response t o
Christ ’s work, is t hat
it is like a clut ch
in a car. The clut ch
in no way powers t he car, t he
engine does t hat . The clut ch
is merely t he way in which one can access t he
power which is already available. God’s
grace as manifest ed in Jesus Christ
is what powers salvat ion;
our fait h is merely t he
access point .
Anot her example is t he
dishwashing analogy. It
is as t hough you are responsible for cleaning t he
dishes, yet t he
amount of dishes t o
clean is so great , t hat
as you cont inue t o
load t he dishwasher, you get
hungry, have t o eat ,
and creat e more dirt y
dishes. In fact ,
for argument s sake let ’s
say t hat t he
rat e at which
you creat e dirt y
dishes is great er t han
t he rat e at
which you are able t o load t hem. You admit t hat
it is your responsibilit y
t o clean t he
dishes, yet you have no abilit y
in yourself t o ever complet e
t he job.
Dismayed, you finally give up.
Hours lat er, your brot her
comes t o you and says, “I have good news for
you – t hough you were unable t o
complet e your responsibilit y
of loading t he dishwasher, someone wit h
superior skill has come int o t he
house and has done t he dishes for you.”
If you are in t his posit ion,
you act ually have a couple opt ions,
t hough only one is reasonable. You could cont inue
t rying t o
clean t he dishes, which would be ext remely
foolish, bot h because t hey
are already clean, and because all you ever succeeded at
was creat ing more dirt y
dishes. The ot her
opt ion is t hat
you could rely on t he work of anot her. This is what
it means t o t rust
in Christ .
You rely on t he work of anot her.
Someone may say, “I believe in Christ ,”
or “I have fait h in Christ ,”
but what t hey
really mean is t hat
t hey believe Jesus is t he
Son of God. This is necessary t o
t rue belief, but
not enough.
True belief is t aking God at
His word. He says plainly in His word,
some 150 t imes, t hat
He can give you salvat ion as a free gift
because Jesus Christ died for your sins, and
all you need t o do is believe in His Son. We
need t o t ake
Him at His word on t his
point .
Many people believe Jesus is t he Son of
God, but t heir
t rust is in
some ot her object
t o get t hem
t o et ernal
life and a relat ionship wit h
God, usually t hemselves. This is not
fait h in Christ ,
t his is fait h
in self. The object
of fait h must
be Jesus, it must
in no way rest on any ot her
hope, ot herwise it
is useless and somet hing less t han
fait h.
Paul elaborat es on fait h.
“For t his reason it
is by fait h, in order t hat
it may be in accordance wit h
grace” (Romans 4:16 ). Fait h is t he
only response t hat
can possibly be congruent wit h
grace! It
is t he only human response which adds not hing
deserving of merit t o
t he equat ion. It is merely
t he recept ion
of a gift .
All ot her responses which are oft en
promot ed – “t urning
from your sins”, “give your life t o Christ ,”
or “commit your life t o
Christ ” are ant i-grace,
t hey have t he
equat ion backwards! Christ died
for your sins, He gave His life for us, and He commit t ed
His life t o mankind, so t hey
we would not have t o
bear t he consequences of our sin problem.
Many people say we must
repent of our sins t o
come t o Christ ,
and by t his t hey
mean we must first
t urn from our lifest yle
of sin before we can have a relat ionship wit h
Christ .
This is incorrect . It is like t rying
t o clean off before get t ing
in t he shower, or wiping before you poop, or t rying
t o t ow a t ruck
by a t railer.
More import ant ly,
if someone had t o t urn
from t heir sins in order t o
accept Christ ,
t han salvat ion
would be somet hing earnable and no longer a
gift .
What were asked t o
repent of is dead works. The writ er
of Hebrews accurat ely describes t he
foundat ion of t he
Christ ian fait h
as “repent ance from dead works and fait h
t oward God” (Hebrews 6:1). According t o
all Bible dict ionaries, t he
primary idea of repent ance is a change of
mind. When someone accept s
Christ as t heir
personal Savior, t hey change t heir
mind as t o t he
value of t heir good deeds. Before t hey saw
good deeds as somet hing t o
earn God’s favor; in light of Christ ’s
work on t he cross t hey
must disavow t hat
t heir good deeds have any value and t rust
in Christ ’s good work inst ead.
If you have never t rust ed
in Christ alone, I invit e
you t o do t hat
right now.
If you do, He will surely give you forgiveness of sins, et ernal
life, a dwelling place in heaven, and will even credit
His own right eousness t o
you. I know, because His word promises it .
“For God did not send t he
Son int o t he
world t o judge t he
world, but t hat
t he world might
be saved t hrough Him…Whoever believes in t he
Son has et ernal life, but
whoever reject s t he
Son will not see life, for God’s wrat h
remains on t hem.” (John 3:17, 36)