You’re probably aware t hat
Christ ians everywhere recent ly
celebrat ed Christ ’s
coming t o eart h. But did you
know t hat t here
are act ually t wo
compet ing views wit hin
Christ ianit y
as t o why Jesus even came? One essent ially
says t hat
Christ came t o
make demands on us, t he ot her
t hat Christ
came t o free us from demands t hat
already exist ed. One is t hat
He came t o ask you t o
DO somet hing, t he
ot her is t hat
He DID somet hing for you.
One verse I really like t hat
expresses t he correct
concept is John 3:17 – “For God did not
send t he Son int o
t he world t o
judge t he world, but
t hat t he
world might be saved t hrough
Syst emat ically,
one t heory is known as “works”, and t he
ot her “grace.” The works concept ,
act ually much more popular amongst
churchgoers, is very similar t o ot her
world religions, while t he grace concept
is complet ely novel. The works concept
says t hat man
must earn t heir
way t o God by being a good person, while t he
grace concept says t he
way t o God is an undeserved gift
provided by God Himself. The works
concept is very similar t o
what we experience in many facet s
of life such as business relat ionships, or
school. If you work hard, do well, and achieve
excellence, you get a good grade, a job, a
raise, et c. Those who ascribe t o
t he “works” concept
assume t hat
since so much of life is merit -based, why would
one’s moral and spirit ual performance not
mat t er t o
God? On t he
ot her hand, in t he
grace concept , God is viewed more in relat ional
t erms.
He is like a Fat her t hat
loves you uncondit ionally, and not hing
you can do as a child of God can affect your st anding
wit h Him.
If you have a church background, which one would you say
your church t aught ?
The “works” concept
generally says t hat
what Jesus did for mankind, wit h
His coming t o eart h
and deat h for our sins, was necessary but
not enough
for man t o be able t o
make it t o
God’s level; t o some ext ent
man must also do t heir
part t o make
it t o heaven,
et ernal life, right eousness,
et c.
The “grace” concept says t hat
what Jesus did for us was “enough” – final,
complet e, finit o! As our sins have already been paid for and
salvat ion has already been secured, God can
credit His right eousness
t o anyone who would rely on Him for it .
So we do have a role t o fulfill, but
it as a passive role t o
accept what
Christ has done on our behalf.
I have a quick analogy I call “t he
dishwashing analogy” t hat
illust rat es t he
concept well.
It is as t hough
you are responsible for cleaning t he dishes,
yet t he amount
of dishes t o clean is so great
t hat as you
cont inue t o
load t he dishwasher, you get
hungry, have t o eat ,
and creat e more dirt y
dishes. In fact ,
for argument s sake let ’s
say t hat t he
rat e at which
you creat e dirt y
dishes is great er t han
t he rat e at
which you are able t o load t hem. You admit t hat
it is your responsibilit y
t o clean t he
dishes, yet you have no abilit y
in yourself t o ever complet e
t he job.
Dismayed, you finally give up.
Hours lat er, your brot her
comes t o you and says, “I have good news for
you – t hough you were unable t o
complet e your responsibilit y
of loading t he dishwasher, someone wit h
superior skill has come int o t he
house and has done t he dishes for you.”
If you are in t his posit ion,
you act ually have a couple opt ions,
t hough only one is reasonable. You could cont inue
t rying t o
clean t he dishes, which would be ext remely
foolish, bot h because t hey
are already clean, and because all you ever succeeded at
was creat ing more dirt y
dishes. The ot her
opt ion is t hat
you could rely on t he work of anot her. This is what
it means t o t rust
in Christ .
You rely on t he work of anot her.
I will leave it t o
t he Bible t o
drive t he point
home: “Now t o t he
one who works, wages are not credit ed
as a gift , but
as an obligat ion. However, t he
one who does not work but
t rust s God
who just ifies t he
ungodly, t heir fait h
is credit ed as right eousness.”
(Romans 4:4-5)
Religion / Works
Christianity / Grace
Do – all about what you do for
2:21, Romans 10:4)
– All about
what Christ has done for you. (Romans 4:5)
based on your moral/spiritual performance
– Rewarded/punished
based on Jesus Christ’s performance and what you think of it.
add to salvation
– Ephesians 2:9)
so” Salva
so” Salva
only in Christ
– look at what God did even though I didn’t deserve it.
God ou
God ou
works – works
independent of God’s provision (Gal 5).
works – works
done by faith through the Holy Spirit, manifesting itself in the fruit of the
Spirit (Galatians 5)
focused - do