you discount t he
resurrect ion of Jesus?
I can’t . The t rouble is, if t he resurrect ion did not happen, one has t o answer t he following quest ions regarding Jesus deat h and t he subsequent founding of Christ ianit y wit h a bet t er explanat ion t han t he resurrect ion:
was Jesus? - All hist orical
sources of t he t ime agree t hat Jesus really lived and died. Christ ian sources affirm his ident it y
in t he gospels; t he Jewish hist orian Josephus affirms his exist ence and t hose of his followers; Cornelius Tacit us, a Roman Hist orian, affirms t hat Jesus really lived and died under t he reign of Pont ius Pilat e.
Several ot her lat er hist orians, writ ers, and philosophers assume Jesus’ exist ence.
Tacit us writ es regarding t he persecut ion of Christ ians by Nero: “But not all t he relief t hat could come from man, not all t he bount ies t hat t he
prince could best ow, nor all t he at onement s which could be present ed t he gods, availed t o relieve Nero from t he infamy of being believed t o have ordered t he conflagrat ion, t he fire of Rome. Hence t o suppress t he rumor, he falsely charged wit h guilt , and punished wit h t he most exquisit e t ort ures, t he persons commonly called Christ ians, who were hat ed for t heir enormit ies.
Christ us, t he founder of t he name, was put t o
deat h by Pont ius Pilat e, procurat or of Judea in
t he reign of Tiberius; but t he
pernicious superst it ion,
repressed for a t ime broke out again, not only t hrough Judea , where t he mischief originat ed, but t hrough
t he cit y of Rome also.” (Annals XV.44)
Tacit us is in complet e agreement wit h gospels on t he t ime period of t he exist ence and deat h of Jesus of Nazaret h.
t o sat isfy t he crowd, Pilat e released Barabbas for t hem, and aft er having Jesus scourged, he handed Him over t o be crucified” (Mark 15:15 )
t ook Jesus, t herefore, and He went out , bearing His own cross, t o t he place called t he Place of a Skull, which is called in Hebrew,
Golgot ha . There t hey crucified Him and wit h Him t wo ot her men, one on eit her side, and Jesus in bet ween.
Pilat e also wrot e an inscript ion and put it on t he cross.
It was writ t en, Jesus t he Nazarene, The King of t he Jews.” (John 19:17-19)
“Pilat e summoned t he chief priest s and rulers of t he people, and said t o t hem, ‘You brought t his
man t o me as one who incit es t he people t o rebellion, and behold, having examined Him
before you, I have found no guilt
in t his man regarding t he charges which you make against Him…But t hey
were insist ent , wit h loud voices asking t hat He be crucified. And t heir voices began t o prevail.
And Pilat e pronounced sent ence t hat t heir
demand be grant ed.”
(Luke 25:13-14, 23-24).
was t he t omb empt y? – all part ies (t he disciples and t hose opposed t o Jesus) agreed t hat Jesus’ Tomb was empt y on East er Morning.
The disciples claimed Jesus resurrect ed, t he Jews t hat opposed Jesus claimed t hat t he
body was st olen.
did t he church st art in Jerusalem ? – The church began in Jerusalem based on t he fact of t he resurrect ion. This
is recorded by Luke in t he book of Act s, and is corroborat ed by Tacit us in t he quot e above.
Since Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem , why would people believe in t he resurrect ion if t he locat ion of His dead body was readily known? Why would t he disciples of Jesus st art a religion based on false informat ion in t he same locat ion where t hat informat ion could readily be refut ed? If t here was no resurrect ion, it would have been smart er, obvious rat her, t o st art a new religion based on false informat ion in a different locat ion.
did all t he disciples suffer persecut ion and ult imat ely deat h for t heir proclamat ion of t he resurrect ion? – People oft en lie for some t ype of personal benefit for t hemselves; money, power, fame, et c.
People even die for lies which t hey believe t o be t rue.
However, people do not
oft en lie in order t o lose mat erial possessions and have t heir lives t hreat ened, when t hey made up t he lie and know it t o
be false. In t he face of opposit ion, t he t rut h will come out . Why
did all 12 disciples never change t heir st ory in t he midst of opposit ion? Why
were all of t hem willing t o die for t heir message?
did t he resurrect ion account s rely heavily on t he t est imony of women?
- Women in t hat cult ure had lit t le aut horit y as court room wit nesses.
If t he early Christ ians want ed t o creat e a fabricat ion, t hey would not have used t he voice of women t o help propagat e t he st ory.
did devout Jews abandon t heir beliefs in order t o follow Jesus? – To follow Jesus as God was
considered blasphemy by t he religious aut horit ies t hat were not convinced t hat Jesus was t he Messiah.
alt ernat e t heories have been proposed in order t o evade t he conclusion of t he resurrect ion. My
convict ion is t hat all of t hese explanat ions fail t o account for all t he fact s surrounding t he resurrect ion, and none of t hem carries t he explanat ory power t hat t he
resurrect ion it self holds.
Some alt ernat e explanat ions t hat have been proposed are (the following is an adaptation from Duane Morris' "On Reasonable Ground" lecture notes - www.onreasonableground.org):
Some al
went t o t he wrong t omb
– t his explanat ion fails t o account t hat t he
Jews confirmed t hat t he
t omb was empt y (Mat t hew 28:11-15). It also fails t o recognize t hat Jesus body was buried in t he family t omb of Joseph of Arimat hea (Luke 23:50 -55), a well-known Jew and member of t he Sanhedrin.
It would be easy t o recognize if t he disciples went t o t he wrong t omb because Joseph of Arimat hea’s t omb would have been relat ively easy t o locat e based on his public posit ion. It also fails t o account for t he belief held by t he early disciples, t hat t hey
had seen t he resurrect ed Jesus, a belief t hat t hey
promot ed t o t heir deat h. Furt hermore, who would have believed t he disciples t hat Jesus had resurrect ed, when t hey easily could have back checked t he st ory and found t hat Jesus was lying dead in Joseph’s t omb? Inst ead we find t hat t housands
of devout Jews in Jerusalem convert ed and became t he first Christ ians.
was really buried in a mass graveyard for execut ed criminals. Again, t his posit ion fails t o account for t he only hist orical st ory t hat Jesus was buried in Joseph of Arimat hea’s t omb and t hat all part ies agreed t hat t he
t omb was empt y on East er morning.
It fails t o account for t he appearances of Jesus t o t he disciples t hat convinced t hem t o begin preaching t he gospel in Jerusalem ; fails t o account for t he conversion of Jews t o Christ ianit y in t he only cit y where t he cent ral fact s in favor of Christ ianit y could be easily refut ed.
Lane Craig point s out t hat since we find no ot her burial st ory, in denying t he burial st ory, “One is reduced t o denying t he hist oricit y of one of t he most st raight forward and unadorned narrat ives about Jesus and giving credence t o imaginary alt ernat ive st ories t hat don’t exist .” (Craig
William Lane . The
Son Rises. 1981. p63.)
disciples were Hallucinat ing. This explanat ion account s for t he appearances of Jesus t o t he disciples, but does not have an explanat ion for t he empt y t omb, which is part of t he equat ion t hat one is t rying t o explain.
Furt hermore, it is highly unlikely, nay I say impossible, t hat all of t he disciples would have had t he same hallucinat ion at t he
same t ime. Hallucinat ions are generally privat e experiences, and cert ainly not where everyone has t he same hallucinat ion at t he
same t ime.
never t ruly died. Known as Swoon Theory, t his is t he belief t hat Jesus merely passed out and was revived in t he cool t omb. But come on people! - He was flogged, bleeding out , crucified by t rained execut ioners, st opped breat hing, double checked wit h a spear t hrust t o t he heart sac, yet wasn’t dead?
The idea t hat he would have recuperat ed in t he t omb (had he even been alive before t hat point ) wit hout medical supplies, wat er, or food, is absurd. Crucifixion involves an excruciat ing, painful process eit her result ing in deat h by asphyxiat ion or cardiac arrest . You
can only fake a deat h by crucifixion for as long as you can hold
your breat h; which isn’t very long.
Jesus never would have made it past t he
roman execut ioners.
st ole t he Body. Ancient graverobbers don’t st eal bodies, t hey st eal jewels, clot hes, or anyt hing of value at t ached t o bodies.
This account also fails t o address how t he graverobbers would have made it past t he
roman guard (several t rained soldiers); does not account for t he mart yrdom of t he disciples or mass conversion of Jews.
Disciples st ole t he body. The original count er explanat ion, which claims t hat t he
disciples lied in order t o st art a new religion. What would t hey have t o gain?
Money, Power, recognit ion? There cert ainly would have been an incent ive. But what did t hey act ually gain?
Povert y, persecut ion, and ult imat ely deat h. So t his explanat ion does account for t he empt y t omb, but does not explain why t he disciples would die for a lie t hat t hey
init ially creat ed. Furt hermore, it fails t o account for t he unlikelihood t hat t he
disciples could get past t he
roman army t o access t he body.
explanat ion account s for all t he fact s t he best ? Apologist Duane Morris explains, "If an
explanat ion fails t o account for some of t he fact s, t hen it s “Explanat ory Power” is deficient relat ive t o an explanat ion which account s for all t he fact s. If no
ot her explanat ion account s for all t he surrounding fact s, t he one which does necessarily possesses t he most 'Explanat ory Power.'" Which t heory explains t he empt y t omb, t he t ransformat ion/mart yrdom of t he disciples, t he church st art ing in Jerusalem , and t he conversion of a large number of devout Jews? Only
t he Resurrect ion explains all t he fact s which follow t he crucifixion of Jesus.
of t his begs t he quest ion, why did Jesus have t o die and rise from t he dead?
Perhaps t here has been no great er amount of writ ing done on t his subject t han
any ot her in human hist ory. I’ll
give t he short answer:
For you. Christ died for your sins, and rose again, so t hat you wouldn’t have t o pay t he penalt y for your own sins, so you wouldn’t have t o face t he consequences of falling short of God’s perfect st andard, which is an et ernal spirit ual deat h. He
rose again so t hat we might rise again t o newness of life and et ernal life.
This is a free gift given t o anyone who relies upon Jesus for it . Salvat ion, forgiveness of sins, and et ernal life is somet hing t hat is unearned and unearnable. It is impossible t o earn God’s favor, it must be accept ed as a free gift t hrough
t he work of Jesus on your behalf. Those who try to earn God's favor and a place in heaven by being a "good person" are deceived as to man's nature and their own moral and spiritual batting average.
"Because by works of the law no flesh will be justified in His sight; for through the law comes the knowledge of sin. But now, apart from the Law the righteousness of God has been manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets, even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all those who believe; for their is no distinction; for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus" (Romans 3:20-24)

What can man bring t o t he t able, in order t o be in right st anding wit h God? Only
sins! Alt hough we deserve deat h, what does God provide and offer for man? Love, mercy, and grace, accomplished t hrough His Son who died and rose on our behalf.
Have more quest ions about t he
resurrect ion? Cont act :
www.facebook.com/mat t hew.sheeks
Found your blog after seeing your results from the Duathlon nationals. Great job on your win, and also a great post on the historical evidence for the death and resurrection of Jesus! As I've heard said before, if Christ didn't rise from the grave, Christianity means nothing, but if He did rise, it changes everything. Good luck w/ your future races!