The foundat ional principle
which unit es all endurance sport s,
discovered by Art hur Lydiard of New
Zealand , is t hat
humans nat urally lack endurance, but
wit h int elligent
t raining improvement s
in endurance can be exponent ial. I t ruly
believe t hat
all endurance at hlet es
can compet e at
a level beyond t heir perceived physical limit s
– everyone can compet e “beyond t hemselves”.
When I was a junior in high school, I could run just
1 mile in 4:40 . At
t his t ime, I
never t hought
I could run t his pace for much over a mile.
However, just six years lat er
I was able t o run t his
dist ance for 6.2 miles, for a final 10,000m t ime
of 29:14. This represent s a 600%
improvement in endurance! These are t he
t ypes of improvement
t hat should
be commonplace and expect ed, yet
unfort unat ely
most endurance at hlet es
never see t hese t ypes
of improvement s because t hey
don’t know how t o
develop t heir aerobic syst em
t o it s
maximum; in addit ion, t hey
are oft en haphazard in periodizing t heir
t raining schedules.
Coaching great s such as Art hur
Lydiard, Phillip Maffet one, and Joe Friel are
all in agreement t hat
aerobic development is king, yet
so much valuable knowledge is dilut ed or
complet ely lost
when individuals t ry t o
put t oget her
t heir own t raining
plan based on informat ion t hey
have received from int ernet
forums, magazine art icles, and even t he
well-meaning advice of t raining buddies. Even
scient ific research is oft en
biased, usually favoring very high int ensit y
t raining regimens which have success in t he
short t erm
(6-8 weeks) which happens t o be t he
same lengt h as most
of t he st udies.
Yet t hese
same high int ensit y,
short durat ion
t raining prot ocols
are t he same plans t hat
st unt t he
long-t erm development
of many an endurance at hlet e
and t hieve t he
fun out of ot herwise
highly enjoyable act ivit ies.
Int elligent
t raining addresses at
least 6 element s
– (1) base t raining, (2)
lact at e
t hreshold, (3) int erval
t raining, (4) st rengt h
t raining, (5) speed skill t raining,
and (6) mechanics– at t he
right t ime,
in t he right
order, and in t he right
amount , t o opt imize
pot ent ial.
On t he macro scale, more at hlet es
would perform bet t er
if t hey periodized t heir
t raining t o a
higher degree. In general, I've not iced t hat
most t riat hlet e’s
t raining looks really similar t hroughout
t he year. However I t hink
by changing t he t raining
st ress t hroughout
t he year most
t riat hlet es
will get bet t er
result s.
In part icular, t hey
would do well t o include a mult i-mont h
base t raining period at
t he beginning of each season, where t heir
aerobic capacit y is developed t o
it ’s maximum.
There is a lot of research t hat
says you can only “go deep,” eit her in racing
or hard workout s, so many t imes
per year and even so many t imes in an at hlet ic
career. You want
t o save t hose
effort s for when it
really pays t he most
dividends; t he rest
of t he t ime
you want t o
keep your body’s PH balance more alkaline by avoiding “anaerobic,” or all-out
int erval t raining.
We need t o t hink about our t raining int ensit ies like a cont inuum, wit h
t he long slow st uff
on t he left
and max sprint /force st uff
on t he right . As you get
closer t o t he
middle, t his is where int ensit y
“feels” t he hardest . During t he
prep and base phase, you want t o
avoid t hose middle int ensit ies,
and work on t he t wo
opposing sides. If you are reading t his,
and you are over 16 weeks out from your goal
race, you may want t o
incorporat e a “prep” phase. During t he
prep phase, t he focus is on speed and st rengt h,
because you can act ually afford t o
lose some t ime t hat
you could be devot ing t o
base t raining.
You have a long t ime before your next
import ant
compet it ion
so aerobic fit ness is not
at t he
premium t hat
it usually commands.
During t his period, I would
lift weight s
2-3x/week, wit h a high emphasis on plyomet rics,
incorporat e some very hard st riding
on a slight decline (see Lydiard art icle),
hone t echnique in t he
pool, and work on max power and leg speed on t he
bike. Of course, you need a cert ain
base level of fit ness even t o
accomplish t hese goals, so if you are a t rue
beginner, you may want t o
skip t his phase in favor of more endurance t raining.
During t he base phase, usually
occurring from January t hrough t o
April for most endurance at hlet es
in t he west ern
hemisphere, is t he bread and but t er
t raining phase. All t he t raining
should be zone 2 or lower, aside from leg speed and st rengt h
work, which are less damaging and risky t han
VO2 Max and t hreshold work. During t his
phase, you get t he
most aerobic improvement
from st aying below your “Maffet one
Threshold,” which usually corresponds t o t he
upper limit of zone 2. This is t he
int ensit y
where t he most
mit ochondrial development
occurs. Mit ochondria
are t he powerhouses of t he
cell and are able t o met abolize
fat s, a crucial energy source for any
endurance at hlet es,
but especially so if your race last s
for over 2.5 hours.
Part 1. Central Governor Theory
Most of us are familiar with Aerobic/Cardiovascular model of understanding performance in endurance sports. This is probably the method you used learned in biology, or exercise science, or many other training manuals. Most coaches reference this model, which focuses on the bodies ability to process and deliver oxygen to working muscles. This model usually focuses on improving Aerobic Endurance, VO2 max and Lactic Threshold to improve athletic performance, terminology which many of us are well-acquainted with.
While most of the conclusions drawn by the Aerobic/Cardiovascular model are true, I think that adherence to this model can lead to some big gaps in how to approach training. Tim Noakes, author of The Lore of Running, has recently uncovered some flaws that I think are worth noting, and could have vast implications on endurance athletic performance. They are:
(1) The Aerobic/Cardiovascular model relies on the assumption that the heart would be the first organ in the body to run out of oxygen and have to perform anaerobically (without oxygen). This has been found to be false as the heart is its own blood source and cannot tolerate any anaerobic function.
(2) The Aerobic/Cardiovascular model does not account for difference in muscle contractility, which affects efficiency, which in turn makes it possible for one athlete to be more efficient in their use of oxygen than another, while the aerobic/cardiovascular model is more focused on increasing VO2 max.
(3) The Aerobic/Cardiovascular model ignores the possibility that a central governor in the brain controls pacing and can be affected by sleep, nutrition, supplement use, and environmental conditions.
(4) The Aerobic/Cardiovascular model is incorrect that muscles can perform anaerobically during maximal efforts.
So, to sum up things up, The Aerobic/Cardiovascular model of training is generally true in that the primary purpose of training is to improve the bodies ability to uptake oxygen and use oxygen in an efficient way. However, it is not as robust as the Central Governor Model, which recognizes the critical role of the brain on athletic performance.
For instance, in hot conditions, the body is not able to perform up to the same capacity as in cool conditions, because the brain tells the body to slow down before damage can be done to itself. Obviously, the muscles do not tell themselves to stop working, for they have no capacity to do so. If there were no control mechanism for them, they would keep working and working until the muscles had literally worked them into a state beyond repair.
My training approach is created based on the belief that if conditions in the brain are optimized, one will be able to train at a generally higher intensity, which will in turn allow the body to make greater fitness gains. Therefore, I advocate training in an intelligent as well as nurturing the body during recovery.
Part 2. Maffetone Heart Rate Training
I advocate a long base building period, where nearly all the work is done at something at an optimum aerobic heart rate, which I simply refer to as Maffetone heart rate. It has been found that if one trains at this optimum heart rate, they can develop their ability to burn fat as a fuel source and cardiovascular improvements are greatest (of course, a million other things are going on which are not in the scope of this article). The formula for this optimum heart rate was proposed by Phillip Maffetone, an applied kinesiologist, and former coach of Mark Allen and Mike Pigg. Here is the formula:
(1) Start with 180
(2) Subtract your age
(3) Add 5 beats per minute if you are in good shape and have been training without interruption for two years
(4) Subtract 5 beats if you have not exercised regularly before or have been laid up due to injury or illness.
That’s it! Like I said, my training program is simple. To train at an optimum aerobic heart rate, I propose you make a couple very simple changes to your training:
(1) Do all your base training at as close to your Maffetone Heart Rate as possible, without going over. An example of this would be if you were to complete a one-hour run, you would warm-up for the first 20-30 minutes, and then spend the next 30-40 minutes as close to your Maffetone heart rate as possible without going over. If you hit a couple steep hills and go over by a couple beats, that's okay, otherwise, keep it under that heart rate.
(2) Buy a heart rate monitor that can record current heart rate, average heart rate, and time in your heart rate zones.
(3) Create heart training zones based on your Maffetone HR. Your aerobic range would be your Maffetone HR on the upper limit, and 20 beats lower than Maffetone being your lower limit. Tempo zone would be Maffetone to 5 beats above your LT. Recovery is 60% Max Hr up to 20 beats less than Maffetone. The other two training zones will become useful during other training phases besides base training.
You can imagine all the time you spend at your Maffetone HR as putting money into the bank. Mark Allen calls this, “building your engine.” Its your choice, you can run a Geo Metro at red-line all day, but you still aren’t going to be beat by someone running a Dodge Viper comfortably in third-gear.
To see more information on Maffetone HR training, please read the article "Working Your Heart", by Mark Allen.
Heart Rat e Zones.
When we speak of heart rat e zones, t hey are usually divided as:
Zone 1 – act ive recovery. Most at hlet es will not want t o go t his slow unless t hey are t ired or are warming up t o event ually ent er one of t he more difficult zones. Zone 1 has it s place but doesn’t accumulat e aerobic improvement s as quickly as zone 2.
Zone 2 – ext ensive endurance. This pace usually feels “easy-moderat e.” You will see t he best and most rapid improvement by banking large amount s of t ime in t his zone.
Your upper limit of zone 2 should loosely correspond wit h your Maffet one Heart rat e; for older at hlet es, t he Maffet one figure may be closer t o t he mid-point of zone 2. Really, you should use t he Maffet one figure t o est imat e your heart rat e zones before you run a proper t hreshold t est .
Zone 3 – int ensive endurance. This is t he pace you would run at t he end of a progression run, or during some t empo workout s on t he bike
Zone 4 – Sub-Threshold. This is t he int ensit y level at which you may be asked t o do short t empo runs, cruise miles,
Zone 5 – Super Threshold. Int erval sessions (3 x 1 mile, 6 x 800m, 12 x 400m, et c.) are performed at t he highest int ensit y level.
Part 3. When to Introduce Speed TrainingEven though it has been proven time and time again, in empirical research, and in the lab, athletes and coaches still LOVE to overdo speed training. I mean, people just eat this stuff up like it’s candy. What is so frustrating is that it is really easy to incorporate speed training in order to see a significant benefit from it, but everyone and their grandma still seems to be able to make a mess of it. I would like to include some quotes from many of the great coaches throughout time to proce my point:
Tim Noakes says, “You cannot do speed training indefinitely within a season. Carlille and Lydiard have taught us that six to eight weeks intensive training, when added to a solid period of base training, is all that is needed for a peak performance, and this is something on which everyone seems to agree.” (Noakes 309)
“Derek Clayton [former marathon WR holder] wrote that he could sustain heavy training for only 10 weeks before his performances began to deteriorate.” (Noakes 309)
“Ron Hill came to precisely the same conclusion, for he wrote, ‘my ideal build up to a peak occupies a period of ten weeks.’” (Noakes 309)
I tend to agree with Lydiard that Speed (meaning interval work performed at something like 5k-10k pace in running) training is the least important phase of training. Therefore, I advocate an “inverted pyramid” during base training, one in which we spend time at two opposite ends of the spectrum, base training and all-out leg-speed and strength training, while avoiding the intermediate zones that we usually see during interval training. This way you avoid the VO2 max sort of efforts that can only add improvements for 6-10 weeks, but you can also improve economy, reduce staleness, and prevent injury by throwing in some sprint work (such as strides) and weight training/plyometrics.
Once in the speed (meaning interval) phase of training, it is okay to do 2-3 harder workouts per week, in which you spend a small amount of time at very difficult intensities (perhaps 25-45 minutes per session), for a period of 6 to 8 weeks.
How do you decide on when to start speed training? If you find yourself to be a “short-swing” athlete (one whose body responds relatively quickly to interval training), count back 8 weeks from your first big race of the year. This will give you 6 weeks of intense tempo and interval training, and two-weeks to taper. If you are a long swing athlete (one who responds fairly slowly to interval training), you may want to count back 10 to 12 weeks from your first big race to establish the date to start your speed training.
I have encountered many athletes can continue to hold good race fitness while doing speed training for more than 10 weeks, however, their performances rarely improved past the 8 to 10 week window, but rather they leveled off. Since there is nothing to be gained by speed training more than 6 to 10 weeks, I advocate being conservative in one’s volume of speed training. Going beyond this window is risky at best, and foolish at worst.
Another option that is well-utilized by pro triathletes is to do shorter buildups, one with say, 4 weeks of base training, followed by 3 weeks of interval training, followed by 1 week of peaking, then racing, and repeating this cycle over and over again during the course of a year. I have found something along these lines to be quite effective.
Peaking t o
So much is t alked about
“peaking,” which is oft en meant
t hat t raining
volume is drast ically reduced t o
freshen up an at hlet e
for a big event . I disagree wit h
most peaking or “t apering”
prot ocols, as t hey
are very risky, leaving t he at hlet e
in a let hargic and pot ent ially
undert rained st at e.
The most common mist ake
is t o back off far t oo
much in t he final week before an “A” priorit y
race. In realit y,
you should back off t he week before your big
race, and t ry t o
have race week feel as normal as possible.
Triat hlet e
Magazine recent ly published an art icle
t hat agrees
wit h me on t his.
When I ran at Universit y
of Port land ,
we had a pret t y
significant shift
in t he t raining
st yle.
UP was always known for high mileage, but
I t ook it
even a st ep furt her. Inst ead of
90 mile weeks which were common for t he varsit y
runners, I began put t ing
in 130-140 mile weeks, nearly 20 miles per day on average! But I slowed
it down a bit . Inst ead of
averaging 6:00-6:15 /miles, I probably
averaged somewhere in t he 6:30-6:45 /mile region.
The t eam was really compet it ive,
and quit e a few runners adopt ed
t his new t raining
st yle (wit h a
seat belt , I
was t he most
ext reme) because it
was incredibly difficult just
t o make t he
varsit y t eam.
The year aft er I graduat ed
U.P. had t wo guys qualify for t he
Olympic Trials. One of t hem,
Michael Kilburg, had begun running 120 mile weeks, and ran a PR at
St anford t hat
spring in a t ime of 28:20, smashing t he
old school record. I asked him,
“Kilburg, what have you been doing?!” He t old me
about t he 120
mile weeks. Also, since he had such spot t y
result s wit h using
a drast ic t aper
he also gave t his piece of advice which lead t o
his 28:20: “F%^k Tapering!”
I’ve had t he best
luck, and t he least
amount of risk when I drop my volume by about
20% in t he last
couple weeks. This is much more conservat ive
t han t he 50%
drop t hat a
lot of ot her
prot ocols will espouse.
Of course, if you are racing an Ironman, and you calculat e
for your t aper t o
include t he t ime
of your race (10-12 hours, give or t ake), you
might end up wit h
only a few ot her hours t o
sprinkle t hroughout
t he week.
This would be a big mist ake. Inst ead,
calculat e your volume based on if you had a
“normal day” on race day and count your volume
for race day as if it was your normal Sat urday/Sunday
(what ever day your race falls on) workout . Perhaps count
t he day as your long bike/run brick day, so
maybe pencil in race day as a 4-5 hour day inst ead
of 10-12.
Tips for Race Day
Do not t ry
anyt hing new day of race. This is an old adage and a t rue
one. You will want
t o have pract iced
wit h any equipment
you might be using on race day, t o
avoid a malfunct ion or pot ent ially
uncomfort able sit uat ion. New racing shoes might
give you blist ers, different
handlebars might cramp your neck, a new wet suit
might not fit
properly and will fill up wit h wat er,
or worse yet , you won’t
be able t o get
it off in t ransit ion. Seemingly small det ails
have t he pot ent ial
t o leave you st randed
on t he roadside.
Similarly, don’t change any
food habit ; in addit ion,
pract ice using any nut rit ion
product you plan t o
race wit h before race day. If you are on t he
road, t ry t o
select foods you are accust omed
t o when eat ing
out . Above
all, don’t skip breakfast
on race day. You should have somet hing
on t he light er
and higher carb side – cereal, low acidit y fruit s,
oat meal, et c.
- and will want
t o avoid any fat t y
breakfast foods.
You absolut ely must
warm-up before your race, preferably in t he
wat er.
Again, t his will help prevent
t he likelihood of a panic at t ack
in t he wat er. You will be calmer, you will be able t o
deliver more blood t o your working muscles,
will delay t he onset
of lact ic acid, and your movement
pat t erns will
feel more efficient even if you warm up only t en
minut es.
You must pract ice
your t ransit ions
before you race. This will save you a lot
of t ime!
Ask a friend or coach t o show you how t o
t ransit ion
quickly from swim t o bike or bike t o
run. Wit h
all t he hard work you put
in during t raining, it
only makes sense t o not
lose precious seconds or minut es in t he
t ransit ion
Race Using Even or Negat ive
Split s. You absolut ely
must go out
conservat ively in t he
first 1/3 of t he
race. Select
an effort level t hat
is congruent wit h
t he lengt h of
your race, and t ry t o
st eadily increase t he
level of effort t hroughout
t he race, as opposed t o
get t ing caught
up in t he moment ,
going out t oo
hard and “blowing up.”
You must pract ice
swimming in open wat er
before your race. Ot herwise,
it is likely you will experience a seemingly
random and unprovoked panic at t ack
at t he
beginning of t he swim, which could ruin your
ent ire race.
This is a common occurrence among at hlet es
doing t heir first
or second t riat hlon. A combinat ion
of nerves, cold wat er, a const rict ive
wet suit , and t he
t hought of bat t ling
t hrough t he
wat er wit h
hundreds of ot her compet it ors
can unhinge even t he coolest
of charact ers.
Addit ional
Supplement ary informat ion.
There is so much knowledge t hat
goes int o t raining
for an Ironman or Half-Ironman t hat
simply cannot be expressed on a t raining
plan, which is why I allow and expressly encourage as much email correspondence
as deemed necessary wit h client s
I coach. “Should I buy clipless
pedals?,” “What rout es
should I ride?,” “how oft en should I replace
my running shoes,” “how do I descend
quickly and safely,” “how does my swim st roke
look?” Much of t he
informat ion t hat
is capt ured on a t raining
plan, basically t ime, durat ion,
and int ensit y,
will not t ell
you t he whole st ory. That is
maybe 40% of t he informat ion
you need from a coach. The rest
of t he input
you need is more det ail orient ed
and requires a t rained eye.
Here, I’ve t ried
t o synt hesize
some very generic principles t hat
you will want t o
explore which generally falls out side of your “t raining
St rengt h
Training: It
will be smart t o
lift weight s,
do plyomet rics, and perform body weight
exercises about t wice
per week. This will help in prevent ing
injury as well as add addit ional muscular
endurance. A sample t riat hlet e
st rengt h t raining
program is available here:
St ret ching: Most coaches
and current research agrees t hat
st at ic st ret ching
(30 second hold) should be reserved for aft er
act ivit y when
muscles are t he most
warm. St at ic
st ret ching
before t raining act ually
increases t he likelihood of injury! Therefore, you should ease int o
a workout by simply st art ing
slowly and building your pace. Make sure
t o do your st at ic
st ret ching
following every workout for 5-15 minut es.
Training Packet :
The majorit y of t hese
art icles explain why aerobic development
is so import ant
and anaerobic (int erval) t raining
is virt ually useless for t he
endurance at hlet e
wit hout
proper endurance built t hrough
st eady aerobic effort s. You should consider t hese
art icles mandat ory
1. Lydiard Osaka Lect ure – Art hur
2. AeT Training – Joe Friel.
3. Working Your Heart – Mark
4. Base Training – Mark Allen